واتای «ta» لە فەرهەنگی وەهبی و ئەدمۆندزدا:

ta [1]

(also taku, taweku) preposition till, until, as far as
ta êwarê: until evening
ta Hewlêr: as far as Arbil
ta ser: to the end, for ever, and so on
ta ewenḍe ke: to the extent that
ta key: till when?

ta [2]

conjunction as long as, until, in order that
ta zûw-e: while there is yet time
ta êwe l’em ṟêye’we biṟon: as long as you follow this course
ta êwarê-man lê da hat: until evening overtook us
min ṟenc ekêshim ta êwe xosh ṟa bibuwêrin: I toil in order that you may live in comfort
taku: stress: ˈσσ, taweku: stress: ˈσσσ in order that

ta [3]

(also ta-w-tê) noun fever
ta biṟîn: assuage fever
ta-m girt, ta girtim-y, ta-m lê hat: I had an attack of fever
tayeke ber-y dabum: the fever had left me
tayeke-m sûk-y kird: my fever abated
tamîsk: noun pustule on lips caused by fever
(tamîsk der hênan: develop such pustule)
tapeḻe: noun typhus

ta [4]

noun one of a pair
tayê shekir: a bag (half mule-load) of sugar
ta y bar: half-load
ta y dergane: leaf of double door
ta y kewsh: one of a pair of shoes
ta y shi‛r: half-verse, hemistich
ta y terazû: pan of pair of scales
freely in combination, e.g.:
tabar: noun half-load
tadergane: see ta y dergane
tasewî: noun one of a pair of panniers
tatûtin: noun bale (half-load) of tobacco
ta-w-tû: adjective adjusted to balance
Compare tak, tek1

ta [5]

noun fold
ta bûn: be bent double, be folded
ta kirdin: bend, fold

ta [6]

noun thread, piece (of something thin)
ta ta y ziḻf: hairs of the head
Compare taḻ2, tar2, taw1
فەرهەنگی وەهبی و ئەدمۆندز
تۆفیق وەهبی و ئەدمۆندز
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