لە کتێبی:
فەرهەنگی وەهبی و ئەدمۆندز
Taufiq Wahby, C. J. Edmonds
6 خولەک
1373 بینین
(A) | Arabic |
a., adj. | adjective |
act. | active |
adv. | adverb |
aff. | affix |
approx. | approximately |
att. | attire |
b. | bûn |
bot. | botanical |
bw. | bûnewe |
caus. | causative |
cf. | compare |
comb. | combination |
comp. | compound |
conj. | conjunction |
constr. | construction |
contempt. | contemptuous |
ḍ., d. | ḍan, dan |
dem. | demonstrative |
d.o. | direct object |
ḍw., dw. | ḍanewe, danewe |
(E) | European |
e.g. | for example |
Eng. | English |
esp. | especially |
etc. | etcetera |
excl. | exclamation |
expr. | express, expressing, expression |
facet. | facetious |
fem. | female, feminine |
fig. | figurative, figuratively |
foll. | following |
fort. | fortification |
g. | girtin |
(G) | Gorani |
gen. | generally |
gram. | grammar |
gw. | girtinewe |
i. | intransitive |
imperat. | imperative |
imperf. | imperfect |
impers. | impersonal |
incl. | including |
ind. | indicative |
inf. | infinitive |
int. | interjection |
intr. | intransitive |
irreg. | irregular |
joc. | jocular |
k. | kirdin |
kw. | kirdinewe |
lit. | literal, literally |
loc. | locative |
(M) | Mukri |
masc. | masculine, male |
med. | medical |
milit. | military |
mod. | modern |
(N) | Northern Kirmanji |
n. | nan |
n. | noun |
neg. | negative |
nw. | nanewe |
opp. | opposite, opposed |
(P) | Persian |
p. | page |
part. | participle |
pass. | passive |
perf. | perfect |
perh. | perhaps |
pers. | person |
pl. | plural |
plup. | pluperfect |
pop. | popular |
poss. | possessive |
postp. | postposition |
prec. | preceding (word) |
pref. | prefix, prefixed |
prep. | preposition |
pres. | present |
prob. | probably |
pron. | pronoun |
punct. | punctuation |
q.v. | which see |
ref. | reference |
refl. | reflexive |
relat. | relative |
sg. | something |
sing. | singular |
(SN) | Sanandaji |
subj. | subjunctive |
suf. | suffix |
(T) | Turkish |
t. | transitive |
topog. | topography, topographical |
tr., trans. | transitive |
v. | verb |
veg. | vegetable |
voc. | vocative |
w. | with |
x. | xistin |
xw. | xistinewe |
The doubling of the abbreviation if a single letter, or of the final letter, denotes the plural.
The initial letter of the first translation of the head word is freely used to denote that word, in the same part of speech, where there is no danger of misunderstanding.